Kanou Shojuan Japanese Sweets

Kanou Shoujuan believes that Japan’s traditional wagashi sweets exist alongside the natural beauty of Japan, and strives to create sweets filled with an equal beauty.
Also, because we are located in the southeast of Otsu City, in a 207,900 m² area of hillside known as “Sunai no Sato” (The Home of Longevity), and are surrounded by the beauty of the changing seasons, it’s the perfect location for visitors to enjoy a seasonal kaiseki meal or matcha tea together with a wagashi sweet.

Address 4-2-1 Oishiryumon, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture (Sunai no Sato)
Contact TEL:+81-77-546-3131
FAX:+81-77-546-6696 For reservations
Business Hours 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Wednesdays (May change depending on the season)
URL http://www.kanou.com/



Primary Shop Locations:
Nagara Main Shop, Sunai no Sato, Nishi-bu Department Store, etc.