Kiyomisou [Katata Area]

Enjoy an inn on the shores of Lake Biwa and Manohama Beach. You are also welcome to share your room with your pet here. Omi beef shabu-shabu is a popular hotel dish, and BBQ is also available in the summer.


Address 3-25-13 Imakatata, Otsu City
Access ■By train
・On Manohama Beach, near Biwakoohashinishizume.
・5 min. by taxi from JR Katata Station on the Kosei Line.
Parking 11 cars
Contact TEL: 077-573-7111
FAX: 077-573-7011
Price 1 Night, 2 Meals 8,000円~
*Costs vary per day and season.
Capacity 40 people - 8 Japanese style rooms, 2 Western style rooms