Stone Warding Jizo

The “Stone Warding Jizo” (岩除地蔵尊 – “Iwayoke Jizo-son”) is just north of the Kitakomatsu national highway, and constructed benearth a steep cliff known locally as the armor rock (鎧岩 – “Yoroi iwa”).

The cliff was known for frequent falling rocks, making it very dangerous to travel under.

In order to protect themselves from the dangers of the falling rocks, the locals built a Jizo statue (deity known for safeguarding travelers) underneath the cliff.

Naming it “Stone Warding Jizo,” they have worshipped it as a guardian deity to this day.

Address Kitakomatsu, Otsu-shi, Shiga-ken, 520-0501, Japan
Access ■By train
15 min. walk from JR 「Kitakomatsu Station」
■By car
15 min. from the Shiga Bypass Hira Ramp exit
Contact TEL:077-592-0378
Closed on None